From the Author

The Mindset to Prepare

As I’ve written previously, “the mindset to prepare for dire circumstances pays off in many ways, because adequate preparation allows you to acquire helpful resources, practice important skills, develop useful plans, and feel more comfortable responding to the upcoming situation.” A lot of people wrote in to ask me to expand on the “mindset to […]

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Temper Your Passion

One of my problems with the whole “Hollywood Syndrome” is the celebrities’ blatant promotion of the “follow your passion” concept. “Follow your passion” sounds inspiring, but it’s likely to lead you along a path that’s overcrowded with others following the same passion. Obviously, you can expect intense competition to make progress along this path, and

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Time for Strategy

As you may know, I’ve been thinking and writing a great deal about specific techniques and methods to be more productive and successful. And that’s all good. But it’s not enough. Most often, the largest contributor to productivity and success is sensible and effective strategy. As you know, strategy is much different from day-to-day tactics

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