The Classic Best-Seller, Revised and Expanded for the 21st Century
For decades busy people have used their time and energy better thanks to this practical, informative, accessible book.
Now it is completely updated for the lifestyles, work styles and new technologies of today’s fast-paced, interconnected world!
How to Organize Your Work & Your Life gives you a method of organizing everything you do, everything you want to do, and everything you must do and must not do.
It gives you a system of principles, ideas, and specific actions to speed up every project, every effort, and help you get what you want much quicker, easier, sooner.

Buy the book
You can benefit from the information in “How to Organize Your Work & Your Life” in print or on every device you own. Read the eBook or listen to it on speech-enabled devices at work or at home, while you drive, bike, walk or jog, even while you’re relaxing in the park.

About the author
Robert Moskowitz is an Emmy award-winning independent professional writer who has sold millions of words to just about every type of media outlet over five decades.
Robert has a world of experience, including more than twelve years in high-profile public relations work, followed by a number of product development and enterprise positioning successes, both online and offline. As a result, he is an expert marketer, communicator, and manager.
Put more simply, Robert knows how to succeed.
Even better, he knows how to share his knowledge and expertise simply, directly, and effectively to help others reach their fullest potential, productivity, and success. It’s all here for you, now, in this book and his other materials.
Take it. Learn from it. Apply it to your own work and life, and see how quickly the benefits pile up.
I applied some of his principles and in a week I saved myself a couple hours of extra time to do things I’ve been ignoring. Thank you, Mr. Moskowitz.
Amazon Customer
This is a great book! It helped me get more organized and allowed me to be far more productive than I was before. I particularly liked the part about 'Basic Choice.' Very smart!
Alan Lish
Love it! This is such great advice. I love this sentence: 'Recognize that failure is at most only partially your fault.' —so true and something people tend to forget.
Michele Meek, PhD - Author of The Mastermind Failure Club
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