Some work is never done. Whether it’s cleaning your house, improving your personality, or anything in between, some types of work just go on and on without end.
Many of us naturally feel a tendency to get tired of these routines, of doing the same things in the same ways every day, week, month, or year. Some of us even feel a tendency to slough off, to let some of the details slide, or even to lower our standards.
But this is a mistake.
Assuming there’s some value to the work – which there is, because we’ve already discussed the benefits of eliminating unimportant work from your schedule – doing it badly is likely to cause problems and create unwanted situations that will ultimately lower your productivity and success.
So let’s take a few moments to consider some of the reasons to regularly recommit yourself to excellence, certainly in the most important tasks, projects, and goals you tackle, and even in the routines and boring work that’s never done.
Recommitment Maintains High Standards
As I’ve suggested, many of us experience a natural tendency to take shortcuts, disregard details, and potentially accept lower quality results. While it’s OK to accept less than perfect standards, there is always a threshold below which your standards should never fall.
Recommitment to high standards is an antidote to this tendency.
In fact, recommitment can be more than just a re-affirmation that you’re going to do your best, or that you’re going to meet the same standards you established in the past.
Recommitment can function as a “restart” on each of the various elements that constitute your work and your life, allowing you to remake your schedule, your priorities, and your goals to better suit you, after your recent growth and development.
This is important because change is inevitable, and it’s unproductive to adhere to the old ways after situations, priorities, interests, needs, and opportunities have changed.
Recommitment Incentivizes Improvement
As I’ve suggested, recommitment creates opportunities to rethink how high your standards should be. Even better, it sets you up to reconsider whether you even should do some of the old work in the first place.
For example, as part of the process of recommitment, you can legitimately reconsider the methods, techniques, tools, and strategies you use to accomplish each of your tasks, projects, and goals. You can look for ways to improve not only what you are trying to do, but how you are trying to accomplish it.
Recommitment can yield ready-made opportunities to adopt new technologies, to delegate work you’ve always done by yourself, to streamline processes, eliminate unnecessary interim steps, and make other helpful changes.
Rather than simply continue to churn out the same old results, you can use recommitment as an opportunity to revise, reorganize, and upgrade your procedures, productivity, and results.
Recommitment Sets a Good Example
A readiness to recommit to the tasks, projects, and goals you’ve been pursuing is much more than self-help. It sets a good example for others to follow. It shows your friends, family, and colleagues that you’re not just doing the same things you’ve always done, the same way you’ve always done them.
Recommitment effectively sends a powerful message that you’re actively engaged in everything you do, regularly rethinking and refreshing your plans and procedures to ensure their detailed relevance to the world, to your work, and to your life.
An extra benefit is that when you send this message to others, it comes back to you in various ways to favorably impact how you feel about and view yourself.
Recommitment Feels Good
Aside from all the other benefits, recommitment just plain feels good. It allows you to clear away the tedium, the nagging distractions, and the annoying elements that have developed over time. These metaphorical “cobwebs” and “rust” often sneak up on you, dragging you down, and unconsciously hampering your ability to fully engage in your tasks, projects, and goals.
Regular recommitment is a way of starting out fresh. It helps you recapture the reasons you began your journey, and re-experience the excitement and anticipation you felt during those early days.
Recommitment can therefore function like an emotional, motivational, and psychological reset, dialing your energy and interest back up to their original levels and giving you something like a “fresh set of eyes” with which to see yourself, your situation, and your opportunities for future productivity and success.
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