From the Author

Take Some Quick Wins

In many – perhaps even most – situations, the biggest and best wins are usually those that take a lot of effort, resources, and time. But even there, taking steps to deliver a quick win or two can offer some important benefits: Building or reinforcing your confidence. Demonstrating your abilities and competence. Providing a solid

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As you make your way through your work and your life, you’ll meet lots of people, both good and bad. Most of them will appear, hang around for a while, and then slowly or suddenly disappear from your world. However, some of them will be keepers: people you enjoy, admire, appreciate, or otherwise want to

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Maintaining Positivity

One key element in maintaining or improving your level of productivity and success is your positive mindset. For a variety of reasons, feeling stressed, worried about the future, and/or inadequate to meet your challenges tends to degrade your performance. That’s why people with a naturally positive attitude often find it easier to maintain their productivity

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